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Breeders are one of the biggest influences when it comes to what their puppies and kittens eat once they go to their new homes. Many new pet owners look to their breeder for information on the breed they have chosen and how to continue to raise them in the best way possible. Many new owners continue to use the same food, litter and other product recommendations that their breeders use and swear by.

As a breeder it is your goal to look out for not only the breed you have chosen but the dogs and cats you choose as your breeding stock. You want them to conform to the standard and be of impeccable health. With that being said nutrition should be of high priority within your kennel or cattery. A proper diet means:

  • higher immune systems and less disease and illness down the road

  • better body weight before, during and after breeding, pregnancy and lactation

  • healthier genetics (bad nutrition can change the genome turning on and off genes through epigenetic)

  • aids in handling stress which includes breeding, pregnancy and lactation

  • ensuring proper growth and development and fetus and young

  • aid in average to above average litter sizes

  • healthy birth weights

  • higher milk production 

To achieve these benefits we must look to nature to understand what carnivores such as cats and dogs are designed and meant to consume. This diet is a raw diet of meat, organs, and bones. Although this method of feeding our now domesticated cats and dogs has become more common place among not only pet owners, but breeder, there is still some misunderstanding.


With Prey Model Raw feeding we follow the basic guidelines that nature has set for us. The follow links, articles and videos will take you step by step through not only how to raw feed your cattery or kennel, but also t help explain common misconceptions about raw feeding, carnivore nutrition and give you a conceptual understanding of why and how raw feeding is the ideal diet.






For Breeders


The Nutrition Code and its information including this text is not intended to replace a veterinarian but only to provide an avenue to educate. The Nutrition Code is not responsible for companion pets that may become ill and urges its raw feeders and their companions to practice proper cleaning and sanitation practices as illustrated on this website. We assume no responsibility or liability for the use of the information contained in this text. If you have any concerns about your dog or cat’s health, please contact your holistic veterinarian or other qualified professional immediately.

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