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All information, text, products and photographs (c) 2016, Meghan Leah Waals
All rights reserved.
The Nutrition Code is a wholly owned business of Meghan Leah Waals
No claim to copy right is made for original U.S. Government Works
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The Nutrition Code and its information including this text is not intended to replace a veterinarian but only to provide an avenue to educate. The Nutrition Code is not responsible for companion pets that may become ill and urges its raw feeders and their companions to practice proper cleaning and sanitation practices as illustrated on this website. We assume no responsibility or liability for the use of the information contained in this text. If you have any concerns about your dog or cat’s health, please contact your holistic veterinarian or other qualified professional immediately.
The Nutrition is not a veterinarian nor does it make claims to cure illness and disease. Through dedicated research and personal experience this website contains our recommendations for nutritional support. In conjunction with our recommendation it is advices to also consult a holistic veterinarian well versed in raw diets.