Raw Feeding Red and White Meats
When it comes to raw feeding some do not always see passed chicken as a protein source but there tons of more proteins that raw feeders...
Campylobacter, Should we be Scared to Feed Raw Chicken?
Campylobacter has been a hot topic lately in the raw feeding and pet owning world. There is certainly much misinformation out there that...
The Five Stages of Raw Feeding
#rawfeeding #comic #rawfeeders #jokes
Raw Recipes #4
There are many pre-made raw products out on the market as well as recipes on the internet. Some follow a true carnivorous way of feeding...
Impromptu Q & A w/ Bengal Cat Crazy
We were asked to do another impromptu Q & A with a Bengal cats group on facebook. Here is a recap of what we discussed...
How to Travel (without pets) when you Raw Feed
We just got back from a five day trip WITHOUT our five cats. How did we do it when we are strict raw feeders? First get a petsitter who...
Traditional Chinese Medicine Hot/Cold Meats
In western culture food is based on nutrients like vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates, fats, calories etc. In Chinese culture food has...
Raw Recipes #3
There are many pre-made raw products out on the market as well as recipes on the internet. Some follow a true carnivorous way of feeding...
Q & A with Sphynx Newbies, Breeders and Owners (facebook group)
hxYesterday we did another Q & A with a sphynx cat group. We got some awesome questions. Check out our thread below, maybe some of your...
I DARE you to give me a reason NOT to Raw Feed
Yesterday I was frustrated about the ignorance especially from breeders towards raw feeding and the blatant ignorance for the health...