Illness and Disease in our Carnivore Companions - Diet Edition: Live Video Transcript
Hi everyone, thanks for joining me today. My name is Meghan Waals, I help Jean out with some day to day operations of the business. I...
How to Travel (without pets) when you Raw Feed
We just got back from a five day trip WITHOUT our five cats. How did we do it when we are strict raw feeders? First get a petsitter who...
Q & A with Sphynx Newbies, Breeders and Owners (facebook group)
hxYesterday we did another Q & A with a sphynx cat group. We got some awesome questions. Check out our thread below, maybe some of your...
Commercially fed cats and dogs are just the world's trash cans
‪Besides the fact that carnivores like cats & dogs don't need fruits and veggies now we have yet another reason why it's in our pets' food...
I DARE you to give me a reason NOT to Raw Feed
Yesterday I was frustrated about the ignorance especially from breeders towards raw feeding and the blatant ignorance for the health...
Raw Recipes #1
There are many pre-made raw products out on the market as well as recipes on the internet. Some follow a true carnivorous way of feeding...
Raw Recipes #2
There are many pre-made raw products out on the market as well as recipes on the internet. Some follow a true carnivorous way of feeding...
Dehumanizing Pet Food
Many pet owners are unknowingly doing a disservice to their companion by humanizing their food. This is the concept of placing ideologies...