Paleo Dog by Jean Hove and Celeste Yarnall Book Review
When I found this book at Barnes and Nobles I was really excited because there are very few books on animal nutrition that I haven't read available at most book stores.
I was a tad disappointed with this book however. It certainly wasn't terrible but I expected more in regards to nutrition. The book mainly focused on more natural living that coincides more with the lifestyle of a dog in the Paleolithic Period. Although the book did contain section of canine raw feeding/nutrition the information was more geared towards other fairly valid topics. Including more exercise and sun, less vaccinations and more holistic health care such as the use of herbals.
The information in particular to raw feeding advocates for plant material inclusions despite addressing the non necessity for fruits, veggies and grains. She also suggested the use of supplements which based on extensive research is not required and often times they are artificial in nature which is certainly not healthy or natural. I also felt for those that want to start raw feeding there wasn't basic information like how much to feed, appropriate ratios of meats and organs (not as much reference to bone use) nor really much on actually convincing people that a raw diet is the best diet for our cats and dogs. it was stated but very briefly.
One thing I really found interesting and useful was some information on bacterial contamination as well as common parasites, worms and bacteria that people fear. It includes scientific evidence that debunk the common myth of bacterial concerns when raw feeding and how it affects the human population
Although not my favorite book this book was fairly well written and a good read for learning how to lead a healthy and natural life style for your dog.