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Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats by Kymythy Schultz Book Review

I was really excited to read this book. It's an older book so I thought maybe there would be classic information in it pertaining to a raw diet. The book was much more focused on raw feeding than many other "natural" feeding books I have read, but I was extremely disappointed to find out that the author endorses the use of carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables.

The book I believe was intended to get pet owners started on a raw food diet. It indeed was a quick read, but I felt it was written off of an outline as sentences were quite short almost like a list. I also felt there was missing information especially regarding proportions that many pet owners would need to get started. I felt like this was a very basic guide. Although the book wasn't terrible I was hoping for more information. It left unanswered questions that I would have asked if I was new to raw feeding. There were personal accounts, but i felt the book was more of a testimonial to the fact that many people converted to her methods of feeding versus convincing the read that this truly was the best diet.

It's a good starter but i wouldn't recommend it entirely for a new raw feeder. Kymythy does (or at least used to) hold seminars and classes on natural diets so maybe her lectures are more informative.

I give this book a 3-star rating.

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The Nutrition Code and its information including this text is not intended to replace a veterinarian but only to provide an avenue to educate. The Nutrition Code is not responsible for companion pets that may become ill and urges its raw feeders and their companions to practice proper cleaning and sanitation practices as illustrated on this website. We assume no responsibility or liability for the use of the information contained in this text. If you have any concerns about your dog or cat’s health, please contact your holistic veterinarian or other qualified professional immediately.

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