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Logically Learning

Today I completed the second unit of Diet Formulation. This unit was about energy in the form of calories and how to calculated required calories. I also learned some important terminology. I feel since I just had finished a series of three chemistry classes that this unit was pretty comprehendible for me.

One think I have been concerned about is making sure that I am absorbing all the information and that I will be able to implement it down the road. I don't want to just speed through the information and actually not understand anything. So I came up with a good way to make sure I have it all down pat:

1. Read the information a loud

2. Read through it again, this time taking notes

3. Take a several hour break and do something else

4. Come back and answer all questions I can without looking at my notes

If I can't answer something I need to look more into the information for a better understanding but if I get everything right than I think I have a good understanding of the information!

Sounds logical to me!


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