My First (potential) Article Publication
I have been working quite hard on various things concerning The Nutrition Code. I am currently hard at work on Unit 4 of Canine Diet Formaulation and Unit 2 of Herbalism. I am learning a lot of new things which I am excited about :) I also started making some lists of bloggers who accept guest blogs. This will be a great outlet for sharing my articles and spreading the word about proper animal nutrition.
Speaking of which Pet Connection Magazine has asked me to write an article on ingredients to add to kibble to make them nutritious. I just sent the article in today. I am really nervous but I hope the editor likes it. I should hear back from them soon! The only difficult thing about writing these articles will be word count. There is so much to be said about nutrition but so few words you can have lol. Well I guess it just means I will be further perfeting my writing skills!